Wednesday, May 26, 2010

baby shower

I had my first baby shower (the big one) on Saturday and it was so amazing. I never knew if I would ever get to experience all the fun and excitement of welcoming my own baby into the world. Never knew if I would be able to decorate a nursery or open gifts at my own shower. I felt so blessed and blissfully happy. It was so great to feel the love from family and friends and get through one more exciting step before this baby girl gets here. The cake, decorations and games were all so perfect. It was truly a great day, and just happened to be on our 6 year wedding anniversary. It was the best way I could ever think to celebrate!

Gestational diabetes

this is a few weeks overdue, but I tend to get behind on postings. I was obviously diagnosed with Gestational diabetes. BOOOOOO! Let me just say first of all that the hideous lemon flavored corn syrup drink they made me drink in the three hour test with no ice was pure torture. I almost threw up about four times and had tears rolling down my face from gagging. The one hour orange drink wasn't as bad because it's half the sugar, and I got to drink it ice cold through a straw, but no not this one, it was warm right out of the bottle. Then I felt like I was going to die. My blood sugar must have climbed so high, because I have never felt so sick in my life. I never want to have to do that test again.
So, now I'm on the diabetic diet and am not allowed to have any joy when it comes to food. As if we don't sacrifice enough in pregnancy- I gave up all caffeine and artificial sweetener as well as cold deli meat, and now I can hardly have carbs. I'm allowed the equivalent of two slices of wheat bread per meal (about 45gm) and 15gm of carbs per snack. I have to eat lots of protein and I'm about sick of cheese, eggs, nuts and PB. They want me to stay on a strict eating schedule of meals and snacks alternating every two hours, as well as checking my blood sugar (which is impossible to stick to at work). I have to say, this SUCKS! I'm sick of constantly worrying about food all the time. It's so annoying. And I would love more than anything to have a giant ice cream sundae. And I only got to have a little piece of my baby shower cake and let other people take the leftovers.
But, with all that complaining aside, I will do anything for my sweet baby girl. Anything to keep her healthy. If I was just doing this for my own health, I would be a complete failure, but I can do it to protect her. I guess on the bright side, I've only gained 6lbs the whole pregnancy and probably won't gain more than a total of 15 on this stupid diet. But, I'll probably pack it on when she gets here because I'll eat every carb in sight. Hopefully the breastfeeding will take over burning the extra calories :).
I'm just ready for it to be late july so this placenta can come out and quit sending out hormones that bind with my precious insulin receptors.
Oh how I would love a bagel and cream cheese.