Friday, October 30, 2009


so, one of the reasons I'm in a bit of a hurry to get pregnant is my glorious daycare plan. I had the perfect plan all figured out. Being a nurse, I have a repeating six week schedule where I work 3 twelve hour shifts a week. In two of those weeks, I made it so I only work two days a week and this is still considered full time, so I get full benefits. My schedule works out so that there is only two days a week that I will need day care because I work some weekend days and Erik is home on those days. Now, most daycare's will not let you only pay for two days a week because you're consuming a full 5 day a week spot, where they could make more money. So, you have to pay for all 5 days even if you're not using it. LAME. There is no way I could afford that. But, my employer has an employee day care that will let you pay by the day. I think It's around $50/day for 12 hours (not bad!). Of course, this is what I thought I would use, but it is wildly popular and there's a three year waiting list that you can't put your name on until you're pregnant. Crap.
So, my sister is a stay at home mom with a 1 year old and said she is going to stay home until he's in Kindergarten and I could just pay her the $50/day until I got into the day care. Awesome. And once you have one kid in the daycare, if I had a second, siblings automatically get a spot. So, I had it all figured out. My baby would just stay with my sister until they were about three at which time my nephew went to kindergarten.
So, I have about 4 years before he starts school and one of those years will be the pregnancy, so that leaves exactly three years for her to watch my baby if I get pregnant RIGHT NOW! So, I really need this thing to hurry up, otherwise, my master plan will fall apart.

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