Thursday, November 5, 2009


I decided to take an ovulation test six days ago because a friend from work had given me some that she didn't need anymore. I took one last Tuesday because I thought I was getting close to ovulating and it was negative (as usual). Then, I decided to take one again on Friday at noon and a big smiley face popped up. I couldn't believe it. I've never seen a positive test before. This is a digital one that does the reading for you, so I took the strip out to see what the lines looked like, and I honestly would have called that negative if I had been reading it myself. The lines didn't match perfectly. The test line was slightly lighter than the control. So, I'm glad I had a digital one, otherwise I don't think I would have caught it. I took a picture of it, and then wanted to take another at about 8:00pm to show Erik, but that one came out negative. Those LH surges don't last very long I guess. So, I think I actually ovulated on Sunday morning and we timed things perfectly Friday through Monday and now I'm in another two week wait. Ugh. I should know something by Nov 14th. I took my temp and saw that I got a rise to verify ovulation, but I'm not going to take it anymore until I either get a period or a BFP because I don't want to obsess and freak out about every little temp change like I did last time. I'm trying not to get my hopes up because we timed things perfectly last time too, but I didn't get pregnant, so I'm not holding my breath. I'm just thrilled that I ovulated on my own two months in a row so I could have some chances to try. This is a miracle for me. Unheard of! I'm wondering if the clomid jump started my body into a rhythm. Last time it was CD 31 and this time CD 25 (Sep 25 and Nov 1) CRAZY. It could be the clomid, could be that I've relaxed about the whole thing, could be the weight watchers, could be that I've been doing some real praying. I don't know, but I'll take it.

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