Wednesday, November 25, 2009


HUGE DEEP BREATH TODAY. My HCG more than quadrupled in 4 days, it came up from 1545 to 7545. I'm so relieved and so thankful for Heather L who is not my doctors nurse, but another nurse in the practice that I already know. She was so kind to look up my result early in the morning and call me right away to ease my mind. I wish she was MY doctors nurse. So, the spotting is okay I guess and it's just something I'll have to get used to and try to ignore. Now, I'm just ready to have my ultrasound next friday and see that everything is on target and it would be an extra blessing if I was lucky enough to see the heartbeat. It's still early and only sometimes can you see it that early, but I'm hoping I'll get lucky because I heard that the chance of miscarriage drops dramatically after you see the heartbeat, so that would certainly make me feel good.


  1. Yay I am glad you have a blog! I am excited to follow it! I am glad your HCG levels went up so high! Can't wait to hear about your ultrasound!
