Thursday, November 19, 2009

Low progesterone

so, I had my HCG and progesterone levels checked on Tuesday and my HCG came back good at 582 (normal 5-426 for 4 weeks), but my progesterone was dangerously low at 6.6 (normal is above 20). I immediately started oral supplements and had my levels checked again today, but won't know until tomorrow. I'm really anxious to know my HCG tomorrow because one of the reasons for low progesterone is that the baby has quit growing and therefore quit telling my body to produce it. This is my biggest fear and the only way to know is the HCG. It should double every 48 hours, and if it doesn't that usually means you will miscarry. So, it should be about 1164. My other worry is that my doc put me on oral supplements and everyone I've talked to says the suppositories or injections are much more effective. I asked about it, but the only thing my docs nurse said was "she doesn't do suppositories", but didn't give me a reason. I'm just very nervous and have taken the day off work tomorrow so I can be home when I get the results (in case they're bad). I'm just praying praying praying. I want this baby soooooooo bad. I am grateful that my doctor ran those tests without me even asking, because I guess not all do. I would have surely miscarried without progesterone. For those who don't know, this is the hormone that keeps a pregnancy going, it builds up the blood lining for the baby, prevents contractions and a period and suppresses my immune system so I don't attack the baby. HCG is the baby hormone that is detected on a pregnancy test and shows that the baby is alive and growing.

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