Monday, November 23, 2009

scary spotting

On friday after many phone calls to the lab and the doctor searching for my lost in space results (what a disaster). My HCG came back at 1545 which is more than double in 48 hours. So, baby is still growing and my progesterone was 10.6 which is still low, but apparently is good for having just 24 hours of supplements. So, she left me on the same dose and I have to take it throughout the first trimester. I was so relieved. But then yesterday at work, I had a streak of pink spotting and FREAKED out! I called my doc and she said it's probably just some uterine or cervical changes and some slight spotting is normal in the first trimester, but she had me come in this morning to have my levels checked again just to be sure. UGH I just got over these nerves and now this! I'll be glad when this trimester is over. So scary.

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