Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Gender prediction

The pencil over the wrist test = it's a girl
The wedding ring over my belly = it's a girl
Peeing in cabbage water = it's a boy (cabbage water before is on the left and the result is on the right. Pink is supposed to be boy and if it stays purple it's a girl.)
Chinese lunar calendar = it's a boy
So, looks like it's either a boy or a girl :)

Monday, December 21, 2009


yesterday was aweful. I woke up at 3am totally nauseous and threw up at 6am. Had to go to work and felt like I was going to puke the entire day. All I ate was a piece of toast, small amount of chicken noodle soup and saltine crackers. I could hardly drink any water and by the end of the day I was totally exhausted and dehydrated. I was at least hoping that feeling so terrible was a sign I was still very much pregnant, but at night I also felt achy and weak and had chills. So, now I'm wondering if I just got a stomach bug. I'm feeling a little better today. Able to eat toast and some applesauce and don't feel like I'm going to throw up...just low appetite. If it was just a bug, I'm glad because it means I won't be feeling that bad for another month, but disappointed because I don't have any other signs of being pregnant. It's so frustrating not knowing what's going on in there and whether or not this baby is still alive. Because I'm taking progesterone supplements, if the baby stopped growing, I would not have a miscarriage. The progesterone would cause me to hold on to it until the doctor realized it was dead and I stopped the progesterone. So, I feel so in the dark always wondering if everything's okay. I wish I could have a weekly ultrasound.

Friday, December 4, 2009


we had our first sono today and were able to see the heart beating right away. Tears came to my eyes and I was so so happy and relieved to see that a real person was forming in there. I always imagined that moment but didn't know if I would ever get to experience it. It was tiny and hard to make out any parts at all, but all I cared about was that little heart. It was beating at 130 bpm which is great! Then, I had my doc appt and she said everything looked good, and that with my age combined with the heartbeat, my chance of miscarriage dropped down to 5%. This made me feel soooooooo good. What a relief. I feel like I can relax and enjoy it a little more now. It measured at 6 weeks 3 days and I thought I was 6 weeks 5 days, so my due date got moved to July 27. I also learned that my uterus tips backward towards my spine instead of forward toward my belly. She said this won't cause any problems because everyones' uterus lifts way up straight by the 2nd trimester anyway. The only thing is that it may take a little longer to hear the heartbeat on a doppler. And we will try that at my next appointment when I'll be 11 weeks. This is all very amazing and I thank God everyday for this blessing.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

more worry

I had gone almost a week without anymore pink spotting, and then today had some more. I know the HCG levels checked out okay last time this happened, but then I read that HCG levels can continue to rise for a while at the beginning of a miscarriage. I'm really freaking out here. My ultrasound on friday can't come soon enough. I want to go to sleep for the next five and a half weeks and wake up when the first trimester is over. I can't handle the stress.