Tuesday, October 4, 2011

12 week update

Man, it's much harder to keep a pregnancy blog updated when I already have a toddler running around. I really don't know how "mom bloggers" have time to blog about being a busy mom. I'm lucky to shower and fold a load of laundry. Anyway, here's a little update:
At 9 weeks I finally had slightly sore boobs. If this is TMI for you, you probably shouldn't read a blog about pregnancy because it's part of the story. This added some relief that everything was going ok in there. I feel like the wait from the first appointment at 7 weeks to the second at 11 weeks is torture because it's still a high risk time for miscarriage and you can't feel the baby move or whip out the doppler to check for a HB and if you're like me and have few symptoms, any little reassurance like sore boobs is wonderful!!
Then at 10 weeks, the nausea hit pretty hard and as gross and annoying as it was, I was also happy about this. I think it may be because 10 weeks is the point when the placenta is fully developed, so it is producing progesterone, but I was also still taking supplements which made my level really high. I've thrown up three times in the last two weeks and it's always in the morning while brushing my teeth. My gag reflex is fierce when I'm pregnant! But now that I've hit 12 weeks, I think it's fading away again. Yay. I took my last progesterone pill last night!
At 11 weeks I had a bonus appointment for a UTI and the NP couldn't find the HB with a doppler so she sent me for US to check. I was slightly nervous, but this same thing happened with C and everything was fine and I'd been having symptoms at this point, so I was about 80% sure things were ok.
And they were! Baby was wiggling around and HB was 165. I really hoped to get a good profile shot of the lower body to see an "angle of the dangle" and make a gender prediction. The baby was at a weird angle so it was hard to see, but the couple times I did get a glimpse is making me guess it's a boy. I didn't see a nub sticking straight out in front parallel with the spine like C had and I think I saw a little nub sticking up on top. But, they weren't the most reliable shots.
So then I had my usual appt at 11 wks 2 days with my doc. She again couldn't find a HB with doppler and was unaware that I had just had a sono two days ago (and I didn't say anything ;-0)
so she sent me over to sono. HR was 175 this time, but the baby was facing us and the sono tech didn't stay on for very long so we didn't get any good nub shots.
I also did my one hour glucose test that day to test early since I had GD last time. My doc was confident I would pass because she said doing it this early just shows if I already had diabetes and that true "gestational" diabetes doesn't usually show up until 24 weeks. Well, I failed. My sugar was 180 and it needed to be below 140. MY doc is letting me skip the three hour test because it's a waste of my time. With a one hour sugar that high, chances are I would fail anyway and even if I passed the three hour, I would be paranoid that I'm still borderline and want to to the GD diet anyway. So I'm on this horrible low carb diet for SIX months this time, and through all the holidays :-(
Today at 12 wk 1 day was my first trimester screening. This is optional, but I'm paranoid and want all the reassurance or knowledge I can get. I like to be prepared. First I met with a genetic counselor to just talk about risks and she made me a little nervous because she said that having already failed a glucose test probably means I was already diabetic and because this was unknown/uncontrolled for the first few weeks of development that this puts the baby at risk of heart and neural tube defects and recommended I get a level II US and a fetal ECHO. But I don't understand because I did a glucose test six weeks after C was born to make sure and I passed with flying colors, meaning I didn't have regular diabetes and just to be safe I checked my own sugar at 8 weeks after drinking a cherry lime aide and that was fine as well. I thought I just developed it once the placenta was formed fully. So, now I'm super nervous about that. Sigh.
I had labs drawn and an ultrasound to look at the baby's development so far and specifically the skin on the back of the neck. If the skin is thick, it is associated with Downs syndrome, Trisomy 18 and heart defects. The baby was super wiggly and uncooperative and wanted to lay in all positions except on his/her back which is what we needed. But they finally measured and the neck measurement needs to be less than 3.5 and mine was 0.8 so that puts the baby at a very low risk for those things. That was reassuring. And again I couldn't get really good looks, but from the few shots I saw, I'm still guessing it's a boy. Oh and HB was 159.
All in all, I'm very happy. The baby's brain looked healthy and all the parts seemed to be there. I"m a little worried about what the genetic counselor said, so I'll just do the extra screens to make myself feel better.

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