Saturday, February 20, 2010

dreams and movement

so, I think I have felt the baby move about 3 times in the last couple of weeks. It's definitely not consistent yet and it only happens when I'm laying on my back in bed. It feels like little bubbles or rumbles. I usually just feel it once and then it goes away. I love it, and I can't wait until I can feel all of its movements all the time.
Also, I had a dream that we were laying in bed talking about how excited we were to find out if it was a boy or girl and how hard it is to wait, so I decided to quickly give birth, but leave it attached to it's umbilical cord (because this makes it safe ;) ) and just peek at what it was. SHE was a GIRL. Then I shoved her back in, like no big deal. Pretty hilarious. But, this is the opposite of the only other baby dream I've had. THe first one was that we had just brought the baby home from the hospital and were trying to stick to our feeding schedule and HE was a BOY in that one. So, if dreams indicate what you're having, then we're having a hermaphrodite. Let's hope not.

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