Saturday, February 6, 2010

Enjoying pregnancy

had my appointment with my OB yesterday. All is well, measuring right on target and heart beat in the 140's and my doctor guesses it's a boy. Me too! And my BP was 115/75 - perfect. She thinks extra magnesium supplements might help my killer headaches I've been having as well as benadryl at night to help me get more sleep. Which I'm so glad she said I could take because I've been getting about 3 hours of sleep the nights before I work and then I get a HORRIBLE headache at work. Hopefully these two things will help. So far I haven't gained any weight. Overall I'm down one pound. At first I lost two, and now I gained back one. I must say, that I don't really mind having this little metabolizer in my belly taking all my calories. I've been eating two drumstick ice cream cones every night and still haven't gained and I'm hungry ALL the time. It's pretty amazing. I also LOVE the belly thing. Maternity pants are awesome, they are incredibly comfortable and they fit me so much better because I've always had a larger waist compared to my butt and thighs, so jeans always look baggy on me if I get them big enough to fit my waist. But with maternity jeans I can get a medium which fits perfect around my butt and thighs and the waist doesn't matter because it's a giant elastic band. Love it.
Yesterday I also had my AFP drawn to show if the baby might have more of a chance of having down syndrome, spina bifida, trisomy 18 etc..... The nurse had asked me if I wanted to do it just before I went to leave my urine sample. I said yes I wanted to do it and then was so distracted with the thoughts in my head about the test that I sat on the toilet and peed without leaving a sample in the cup. What an idiot. So, my dr laughed, said it happens all the time and gave me a bunch of water to drink so I could go again after the appointment. It was pretty comical.
So, the next time I see my doctor, I should know if it's a boy or girl and hopefully have a negative AFP result! I really thought that doing the job that I do would make me worry a lot about the possibilities of what could go wrong, but I don't feel like I've done that very much. It's always in the back of my mind, but I'm trying to live in ignorant bliss and just convince myself my baby is normal so that I can enjoy a pregnancy like other normal people do. I want to walk into my ultrasound pretending that the only thing I'm there for is to see if it's a boy or girl. Surprisingly, I've just decided that worrying isn't going to help (very unlike me).
So, on that note- 25 days until I know whether to buy pink or blue!

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