Tuesday, March 9, 2010

sick while pregnant

wednesday evening after finding out we were having a girl, I started to get a slight tickle in my throat with an occasional cough. I didn't really think it would turn into much, maybe a slight cold for a couple of days. But I was wrong! Thursday morning I woke up feeling like hell and I've been on the couch since. I have green mucus in my chest that I cough up continuously and I think I may have broken a rib from coughing so hard. That or I just have sore muscles, but something definately hurts when I breathe or eat. My throat is so sore and I feel like my airway is swollen and tiny. If I talk too much or eat or walk around I feel like I can hardly get a breath. This has also been accompanied by aches and clogged ears. Basically miserable. On Friday I saw my OB and she said she would like to try to wait it out a few days before she prescribed me an antibiotic because pregnant women have a weaker immune system which would make me susceptable to C DIFF which she says she's seen a lot in her preg patients after being on just one oral antibiotic. Yuck, no thanks. So I agreed and returned to my couch. But then on sunday it became difficult to get a breath an my back was hurting with each breath or swallow. So, I went to urgent care and had the pleasant surprise of my primary doctor being there. I love him. He did a rapid flu and it came back negative, so he said he's not sure if it's viral or bacterial, but to cover it, he gave me an antibiotic as well as an albuterol inhaler for me to use in emergencies only (it will raise the babys heart rate). I haven't had to use it yet, but have had many times that I would have if I wasn't pregnant. I just try to take it easy so I don't have to breathe too hard. Being pregnant, there's also not many OTC meds I can take for relief and my weak immune system is taking forever to kick this thing. I worry about this affecting the baby, although my doctor assures me it won't. I don't sleep well because I wake up in a coughing fit. I think it must be viral because today is day 3 of antibiotics and I'm not any better. Dang it. But I have to keep taking it now that I've started, so I've been eating activia yogurt with each meal to keep good bacteria in my belly and ward off evil CDIFF spirits. So, now I have to wait it out and use up my precious PTO I was saving for maternity leave. This is the pits.

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