Sunday, April 18, 2010


I have never had heartburn before in my life, or should I say HAD never had it (lucky I know). I had no idea what all the fuss was about or what this felt like.....until this last Friday night. We had eaten mexican for both lunch and dinner, which normally would not be a problem for me, but I think now that my stomach is about two inches away from the back of my tongue, the stomach acid can't keep itself in its intended location.
I went to bed feeling a little bit of a cool burn in my lower throat/ chest but didn't think it was too bad. Almost felt as if I had just swallowed something very minty like toothpaste. I thought to myself "if this is heartburn, I don't see what the big deal is, it's totally tolerable". So, I went to bed as usual.
It got worse. It stopped being a "cool" burn and now was just a bit of a burn. Woke me up here and there, I usually just needed to change position to make it go away enough to go back to sleep. AND THEN... 2:30am I am awoke out of a dead sleep to pure stomach acid shooting up my throat and out my right nostril. I sat straight up, coughing and hacking and trying to suck down water. This was true acid reflux... Puke in my nose. It burned so bad and then I couldn't get the smell or the burn to go away. I then had to try and sleep the rest of the night at an incline, which I hate, I prefer to sleep with one small pillow. So, I didn't really get much sleep after that and then had to get up and go to work at 5:30.
I've decide that's the last time I want that experience, so I bought pepcid AC and took some last night and had no more heartburn. Hopefully this will do the trick and be another pregnancy best friend, right up there with my support belt.

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