Thursday, April 22, 2010

just a calm baby?

I've been getting the feeling that my baby moves less than normal. Talking to other people who are either pregnant or have been before, they say their babies moved/ move very frequently and say that they are big drastic movements like flips and twirls and big kicks. Others say they wake them up at night being a spaz kicking them like crazy.
I'm worried because I don't have this very often at all. I do feel her every day and never go more than about 4-6 hours between movements I think. But, most of the time they are small little flutters or just a stretch or a little kick now and then. Each spurt of movement usually doesn't last very long.. she'll move a couple of times and then go back to sleep and I'll feel nothing for a few more hours. Only a couple of times has she moved so much that daddy could feel it on the outside and you could actually see my belly moving. About once a week she'll have a day where she is a big mover, but other than that it's pretty laid back in there. She doesn't respond to eating or drinking sweet things and doesn't react to me poking or shaking my belly. I worry she is not normal or that something is wrong with her that she can't move her muscles well, or I worry that she is compressing her umbilical cord, but when I check her HB with the doppler she is just fine.
I did hear that girls move less than boys and that one girl I know had a baby who didn't move much in utero as well and she was so worried at one point that she made a special trip to her doctor to check things out, and she was born three months ago and she says her baby is a really calm laid back baby who slept through the night almost right away. So, I'm hoping maybe my little one is just a calm baby with a laid back personality who doesn't get too excited about much. I keep telling myself this will be a good thing and not to worry, but I really can't help but worry all the time.
I haven't called my doctor about it yet because she DOES move, it's just not as much or as drastic as I would like it to be, and I know my doctor is just going to tell me not to worry. She already thinks I'm a total freak. I'll probably just bring it up at my next appointment if I can wait that long. Move baby move!


  1. I remember those days wondering if I should be concerned because the baby has not moved. I especially noticed on days I worked I would look back and realize I had not felt the baby move for hours at a time. I wouldn't worry too much because as long as she is moving (I think they say 10 times in at least 4 hours) than she is fine. But obviously bring it up if you are concerned! Just know I was in the same boat as you on themovements!!

  2. 10 times in four hours? I'm pretty sure she doesn't meet that quota.

  3. Leila was like that... it must run in the family. :-)
