Wednesday, July 14, 2010

heard it before

yesterday I had to go to my regular primary doc to get a refill for the abx for the ear infection because the original presciber didn't give me enough. While I was there, they found my BP to be 144/88 and were slightly concerned. I told them it had been high before, but would eventually come back down once I laid down for a while. They checked my urine and found a trace amount of protein.
Protein in the urine while pregnant is a sign that BP s creeping up and restricing flow to the kidneys, so the kidneys aren't able to filter out the protein as well. Doc was concerned and asked me to call my OB and tell her these two things just to be safe.
I left a message with OB's nurse at 1450. At 1630 I recieved a call from the nurse that she has informed my doc, but was waiting for a response becuase my doc was in the middle of a delivery.
Office closed at 1700 and at 1830, I assumed I was not going to get a call back. I checked my own BP twice and it was 142/94 and this was after I had been resting a while. So, I contemplated whether or not to call the on call doc and decided to, only because I know the risks and dangers of leaving it unchecked.
On call doc wanted me to go into L&D to get checked. I gave her the entire story of the past three times I've sat at that stupid hospital and told her that my BP was high Friday night and there was protein in my urine, but that once I was in bed for a while, the BP came down and nothing was ever done. I told her my BP seems to be fluctuating and that I really didn't want to come into the hospital if we weren't going to do anything because I already had an appt with my doc for today.
On call doc was very understanding and said that she promised that if there was even a slight medical reason or borderline concern with my BP or labs..she would induce me. Otherwise she would send me home and not make me stay. Deal!
So, I'm thinking... alright, here we go... we're gonna have a baby tonight. So, we grab the big hospital bag this time and get everything ready to go thinking this is it.
I get to the hospital (for the 4th time) and my BP's are lower than they have ever been, running about 120/60. WHAT?! Of course that would freaking happen. The one chance I have to be induced and my body decided to behave and look totally healthy. ALso, there was no protein in my urine and all my bloodwork was normal.
So, we stayed for about 1.5 hours and were sent home. AAAAAAHHHHH.... I mean, at least I didn't have to stay overnight for no reason, but I had really got my hopes up that I was going to meet my baby. Ugh. Lets just say I was not in the best mood after that last night.
So I had my scheduled dr appt today along with a sonogram and biophysical profile. She is measuring 7lb 10 oz estimated and only two days ahead of her due date, which is really good. Doc says her porportions are great and her torso size is excellent and that she doesn't seem to be affected by the diabetes at all thanks to my fabulous blood sugar control. Thank you very much. Something good better come from this torturous diet.
Biophysical looked good, although the tech realy had to prompt her to move much cuz she's so crowded in there.
I tried to convince doc to do the induction this friday instead of next tuesday, but she said I don't have any good medical reasons to justify it and she is legally not allowed to induce before 39 weeks without need. She said she would get her head chopped off. Dang.
She doesn't actually think I even have a UTI. She said that once a woman has dilated, it's very easy to contaminate a urine specimen with blood, bacteria and even some protein because so much stuff is falling out of that cervix and she never believes a urine sample on a dilated woman unless it's from a sterile catheter.
But, she said it's good that I'm on the abx anyway becuase I'm now GBS positive, and I may not have time for two full doses of IV abx during labor, so these oral abx should kill it before I even get there.
She said if I get a yeast nfection, I can still deliver because yeast is not harmful to the baby, it's just annoying for me. She is more concerned that with all the abx that I could get CDIFF (a horrible intestinal bug) and said she's had women in labor with it and it's aweful. So, she said to keep eating yogurt and take a probiotic to help prevent this.
My BP was 130/84 today and she said that the fluctuations in my BP are normal with activity vs rest, and my "highs" are just a little higher now becasue I'm nearing the end of the pregnancy and I'm carrying a little extra fluid and blood which is totally normal.
She said she would only be concerned if I had consitantly high BP's that didn't come down with rest, always had a lot of protein in my urine, had elevated liver enzymes, was really puffy or had rapid weight gain, and I don't have any of these.
She said shes not concerned because we are inducing in less than a week and her only other recommendation would be for me to quit working and take it easy, which I've already done.
I'm still 4cm and 90% effaced. She is so surprised that I"m still pregnant and doesn't think I'll make it to induction date. She is convinced I will have her this weekend. I told her, she's been saying that for 3 weeks and nothing is happening. But, she still really thinks I won't make it. Uh huh, I've heard that before!
Luckily, she's on call all weekend, so other than me going into labor overnight one day this week, or next monday (she's off) she will be the one to deliver.
Here's to more waiting!
My official guess is July 20th, sometime between 1300-1500 and 8lb 1 oz

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