Wednesday, July 7, 2010

slow progress

had Dr appt today with different doctor cuz mine is on vacation. She was very nice. Everything looked good. Still 3cm dilated, but head is now at zero station (has moved down more) and she said somewhere between 80-90% effaced. She didn't make the comment that my cervix was posterior like everyone else has been and she had an easier time finding it. She was much quicker and it was way less painful. I don't think she had to reach as far back, so I'm wondering if it's more anterior because that would be a sign of progress as well. Dang, I wish I had asked. She said I should be happy because I'm way ahead of the game, especially for my first baby. YAY.
So, just more waiting. Still having random contractions that come and go but don't progress into anything serious. It's back to work tomorrow, so maybe once I get back into my normal routine and put a little stress back in my life, I'll send my self into labor! All this lazing around seems to slow things down, which was good for the last two weeks, but now I have the green light to speed it up again. Come out baby!

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