Friday, January 2, 2009


I have started this blog so I can get some of my thoughts down and document what I foresee to be a long and difficult road to getting pregnant. All fingers crossed, I will be wrong!
Since I was 12 I have not had "regular periods". My cycles always lasted 32-50 days give or take a few. This was never too bothersome, until recently they've become completely wacky.
In August 2006 when I started working nights, I didn't have a period for about four months. Once I went to the doctor, she gave me five days of progesterone to induce a period and jumpstart my body back on track. This worked (somewhat). I began having periods, but they were still 35-65 days apart, and I never knew what to expect.
This past July 2008 was the last time I had a period on my own. After about a dozen negative pregnancy tests, I called the doc and began another 5 day treatment of progesterone and had an induced period on Nov 16th. 
This time it did not have its intended effect. I still have not ovulated and no period since. I've gotten really good at knowing when I ovulate by reading books, practicing the NFP method of birth control and just by the fact that it happens so rarely for me, it's become pretty hard to miss. 
So, needless to say, I am getting worried. I have reached a point in my life that I am ready for kids, but I worry it is not likely to happen for me. Erik said he would like to wait two more years, but I feel as though I need to take advantage of every ovulation I have seeing as how I only ovulate 1-2 times a year. I don't want to wait to long because it may take a long time to get pregnant.
I have a DR appt on Jan 23rd and I'm going to ask her to test my hormone levels as well as do an ultrasound for PCOS. Erik said that he would be willing to start trying if the doctor had a diagnosis that would make it difficult to get pregnant. 
I am a little worried, but I will keep this updated to let you know results and info.

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