Saturday, January 3, 2009


I have pretty much given myself the diagnosis of Polycystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS) until I see the doctor in 3 weeks. The things that have led me to this conclusion are:

not ovulating/ no periods
overweight (162 lbs 5' 5")
weight carried mainly in my abdomen
fatty liver with elevated liver enzymes

All of these things are linked to insulin resistance:
some people have a predisposition to getting diabetes (runs in my family), and usually before developing full on diabetes, they are insulin resistant. Most people do not realize they might have this because there are not many symptoms. As I understand it (and I may be wrong), my cells do not receive insulin as well as they should. Every time I eat sugar or carbs, the amount of sugar in my blood goes up. In response, my pancreas spits out as much insulin as I need. Insulin is a hormone that binds with sugar. The cells then recognize the insulin as the transportation for that sugar and then accept the "molecules" to use the sugar for energy. But, my cells don't really respond appropriately to the insulin (unknown cause), so I don't use the sugar like I should and I think this is where the weight gain and fatty liver come in to play. In addition, there is all this extra insulin floating around in my blood instead of in my cells. Insulin is a hormone and because hormones have chain reactions on one another, it throws off my normal hormonal cycles in my ovaries and instead makes them produce more testosterone. This is why I don't ovulate. And in PCOS, every month my ovaries go ahead and make the follicles of emerging eggs, but my estrogen level never reaches the high point it should to make an egg burst out (ovulate). Therefore a bunch of un-ruptured egg follicles or cysts are left covering my ovaries each month and continue to build up, hence "poly (many) cystic".
This can later lead to diabetes because my pancreas tries so hard to produce an over abundance of insulin for my resistant cells, but eventually won't be able to keep up anymore.
So, I have put myself on a diabetic diet. Eating low amounts of carbs in order to keep my blood sugar and insulin levels low. 
Hopefully this will make me ovulate.

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