Saturday, March 17, 2012

what are they?

just for fun, I want share my gender predictions. When I first found out I was pregnant, well, actually before I even knew for sure if I was pregnant, I had a strong feeling I would have another girl, I was pretty sure of it! Then my first HCG quadrupled and we joked about it being twins and my first thought was two girls. Then at my 7 week US when we saw the twins and we first found baby A I thought girl and when we finally found B I just had a boy feeling and actually said "him" or "he" a few times. So at that point I thought one of each. Then I had an 11 week US and I tried really hard to look for those "angle of the dangle" nub side shots. From what I could see, I guessed that it was two girls, I was pretty confident that A was, and I thought B was too but didn't get quite as good of a look at that one. Then I had another US at 12 weeks and got a really good look at baby B this time and I really think that one's a boy. I didn't get to see A quite as well that time but still think it's a girl. So now I'm back to one of each.
It's gone from
one girl
two girls
girl and boy
two girls
girl and boy
Most people have guessed that it's one of each including my doctor but a couple of my sisters really think it's two girls. My dad swears it's one of each and he usually doesn't say unless he's confident. I'm not even sure if he's ever been wrong. No one has guessed two boys so we'll be very surprised if that's the verdict. I have an US next week at 14 which is still a little early to guess gender but I know of people who have found out they're having a boy at 14 weeks. It seems that at 14 weeks most techs will say with fair confidence if it's a boy but if it's a girl they kinda say "well I can't really see anything but it's too early to tell." That's what happened at Brynn's 14 week US, the tech just said "I don't see anything obvious sticking out but that doesn't mean anything at this point." I know that some elective US places do gender guesses at 14 weeks, but around here they won't say for sure until 16. I don't think the tech will make a guess next week but I'm just going to ask her to get the pictures of that area so we can see if they're the same or different and make our own guesses.
I then have an US at my doc at 15 weeks and I'm pretty sure we'll be able to see by then. The tech probably won't be willing to say for sure, but all I need is the image and I feel pretty confident I can make my own guess.
If we still haven't found out by then, I went ahead and made an elective for 16 weeks, but I'm hoping I can cancel that one if we find out at 15.
I'm very excited to know!

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