Friday, February 17, 2012

9 week ultrasound

They look like human creatures now, not just a blob on a screen. They have a distinct head and body and tiny limbs/ nubs and they were moving and swimming around. It was so great to see such a change in just a week. They look like little teddy grams right now, and that's actually how big they are as well.
Their heart rates were in the 120's this week which made me want to worry a little because last week they were in the 160's but the US tech said they can vary greatly and it's totally normal and still within range.
Last week I drank a TON of water and had a super full bladder when I arrived in hopes of an abdominal US (no such luck). I emptied my bladder before the internal scan but I had drank so much water that my bladder had filled right back up during the scan and I had to pee sooo bad. I'm wondering if this made the heart rates higher because anytime I didn't feel much movement from Corynn, they would have me come in for an NST and if her heart rate wasn't varying much, they would make me drink a bunch of water and then her activity and heart rate would jump up.
This week I intentionally didn't drink water because I knew I'd be getting an internal US again, so maybe the lack of water just made them less excitable?
Or maybe I'm just over thinking the whole thing?! ;-)

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