Friday, February 17, 2012

everyone loves company

when I returned to work after losing Brynn there were many people who greeted me with a hug and their condolences and it meant sooo much. At the time there were also people that I felt like avoided me, didn't want to speak to me and some I felt just wanted me to get over it and be happy.
Then once I got pregnant with the twins and went from having horrible news to great news, some of the same people who were so great to me during my loss ignored me during my happy time but the people who ignored me when I was sad were greeting me with "congratulations" and "I'm so happy for you", which is also great.
It's been strange to go from such a low to such a high is such a short period of time and during this I realized not only how much "misery loves company", but also happiness loves company too.
The people who won't talk to me NOW are the ones who themselves are not happy about something in their life and when I was down, they knew how to be right there with me, but when I'm up, they want nothing to do with it.
The people who wouldn't talk to me BEFORE are happy and bubbly and life is going great for them so they didn't want to think about sadness.
And then there are many people (most) in the middle who have been great throughout and can deal with either emotion.
I totally understand both of these sides, because I've been there. It is soooo hard to be happy for someone when you're not happy and it's soooo hard to talk about such a horrible subject like the death of a baby when you've never felt such sadness and have no idea how to relate and are afraid you'll just say the wrong thing.
Being on the receiving end of this has made me look at myself and think about my own behavior. How do I respond to people when they're happy/sad? It's an interesting observation and makes me want to improve.
We all have happy times and all have sad times and I hope I can be there for people during both because whatever our mood, they each love company.

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