Monday, February 27, 2012

afraid to move

I am trying my hardest to think positive and not think about the bad possibilities that could happen to my babies and I really think I'm doing a pretty good job of it but as I approach the end of my first trimester and into the second trimester, I'm starting to feel hesitant about planning anything or getting anything ready. My mom is going to be decorating and setting up the nursery because I don't want to put all that effort into it only to have something happen. I don't want to see it or know what it looks like until the babies are home with me and if something happens to them, I want the nursery completely taken down and I never want to see it. The thing is, my mom wants me to go ahead and move Corynn into the smaller bedroom next month so that she can get started in the twins rooms.
I'm afraid to go to all the effort of moving Corynn and all her things (again) only to have something bad happen.
We were shopping for double strollers the other day and I got nervous about thinking too far ahead. I am afraid to do any baby prep but with Twins I really feel like I probably should.
Both of the babys' placentas are posterior :-( I was really hoping for anterior because I read that most babies who die from cord accidents had posterior placentas. I think it's because the majority of the time they are laying on the placenta and the cord has to come up around from behind them and with an anterior they are loosely hanging from their placenta. Corynns was anterior and Brynns was posterior.
keep praying

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