Wednesday, February 8, 2012

early belly

I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow and had my second ultrasound today. I could really get used to these weekly looks at my babies! They were measuring right on time with Baby A heart rate of 169 and Baby B heart rate of 167!!
So freaking happy!
What I can't believe is how early my belly is popping out. I was relieved to find out that it was twins last week because I was starting to think I must be either gaining weight or going crazy because my pants were already not fitting which I knew was WAAAYY too early to be needing mat clothes at 7 weeks. When I got to the doctor last week, they put me on the scale before doing the sono and I hadn't gained any weight, so seeing the TWO sacs explained the mystery
I'm 8 weeks but look more like 13ish I think.
I LOVE that I have a belly already because it just makes the pregnancy so real, but having a belly makes me feel more attached. I feel like I really start to feel attached to my pregnancies at the point that I start showing. I'm a little worried about feeling so attached so early because I'm still in a risky stage for miscarriage yet I feel further along than I am and if something happens, I'm worried I'll be that much more devastated.
BUT I'm trying not to think about the what ifs and just focus on how fortunate and happy I am right now and just keep praying for my babies.
I'm gonna get so huge!

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