Monday, June 18, 2012

general baby update

The babies look fantastic!! At our last ultrasound at 26 weeks, Owen weighed 1lb 14 oz and Eden was right at 2lb! They were both already doing practice breathing and passed their biophysicals with flying colors! Fluid levels are around 7ish for both of them. I think they said 5-20 is normal. We got a great 3D look at Owens face and I think he looks like me/my side of the family. Eden was not in a good position to get a look at her face :-(
Unfortunately they are both transverse. Both heads are at my belly button with Owen on my left and Eden on my right. His body curves down and goes across my lower abdomen with his feet on my lower right hip. Eden's body curves up and goes across my upper abdomen with feet closer to my left rib. They are positioned like yin and yang in there. It would be nice if they would flip head down but space is limited and I'm preparing myself for the idea of a Csection.

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