Saturday, June 30, 2012

Keflex and Glyburide

Keflex- after my last trip to L&D which was  thursday night June 14th, I had decided not to take the oral abx prescribed to me because I didn't really have any symptoms and the last "UTI" was actually negative anyway.
So Monday morning I called my OB office to see what the results of the urine culture were and they were in fact negative so I decided not to fill my script. But then Wednesday night June 20th I started getting horrible bladder spasms. It was the only symptom I had and knew it could've just been Owen kicking my bladder but decided to just fill my already written Keflex script after all instead of going back to L&D AGAIN. By the next day the spasms were better and it may or may not have been due to the Keflex, but I figure it can't hurt too much either way.

Glyburiede- Thursday June 21 I called my OB to report that my blood sugars had been really hard to control ever since I was placed on modified bed rest. I assumed it was because I wasn't getting any exercise at all. My OB wants my fasting blood sugars in the mornings to be 60-90 but mine were running about 100-110 which was making it difficult to control the rest of the days sugars as well.
I was already taking glyburide which makes your body secrete more insulin. I started out a few weeks ago taking 2.5mg at night, then increased to 5mg at night to control my fasting sugars.
Now she wanted to increase me to 7.5mg at night and 5mg in the morning. WOW. This seemed like a lot to me. I  was worried I would get too much insulin overnight and not wake up or something. I took the 5mg friday morning June 22nd and got so sick! By lunch time I was shaking and weak and felt really low blood sugar. I was at my sisters house so that she could help me with Corynn, and of course I forgot my glucose monitor at home so I don't know how low I got.
 I felt bad most of the day and did not feel the babies moving hardly at all so I called my OB and went in for an NST and the babies started moving and acting totally fine. She thinks it was just that my sugar got too low, so she said to try and take the same dose again the next day while I actually have my glucose machine so I can check and actually see what my blood sugar is and that if it gets low to call the on call doc and that maybe I should decrease my morning dose if it happens again.
I took the 5mg the next day and this time felt fine. Sugars were great and had no symptoms of hypoglycemia and then it dawned on me.... I had drank caffeine friday morning. I really wanted a frapuccino which has 34grams of carbs so I knew I couldn't have much carbs with breakfast if I also wanted to indulge in that treat (I'm allowed 45g in a meal). I had 13g of carbs from a whole wheat waffle with PB on it and an hour later went to get my frap and drank 2/3 of it. Well, I think the lack of food mixed with the caffeine is actually what the problem was, so I decided I better skip caffeine while I'm taking the glyburide or at least make sure I also have plenty of food to go with it.
After hesitating for a few days, I took the 7.5mg at night for the first time on sunday night June 24th but had a snack by my bed and my glucose monitor ready just in case and I had emergency orange juice in the fridge. I set my alarm for 1am just to check and make sure I was alive and sure enough, my sugar was just fine and my fasting the next morning was a beautiful 76! So, this new dosing is actually working out pretty good for now. Hopefully it stays that way. Seems like having two placentas has made GD a little more difficult to manage than in my pregnancy with Corynn. With Corynn I never went above 2.5mg at night of glyburide and I didn't have to be quite as strict with counting my carbs. I could go over by 10g or so and still be fine, but not this time!

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