Thursday, June 3, 2010

a couple of perks

saw my doc yesterday for my 32 week appointment and found out I get a couple of perks for being diabetic, which is nice because there aren't too many good things I can say about having gest diabetes. I get to have one more ultrasound at 34 weeks to measure her size and weight distribution to make sure she's not getting too big. This is exciting because it is always nice to get to see her. The only down side is that I'm still paying on my deductible, so basically the whole thing is out of pocket. The other perk is that she will no longer let me go overdue. I have to have this baby by my due date, and if I don't go into labor on my own, then she will schedule an induction sometime in the week leading up to my due date. Some people don't really like the idea of being induced, but I find it rather appealing. You get to plan and prepare for the whole day. You know you're bag is packed, legs are shaved, toenails painted, house is clean, dog sitter is scheduled, family is in town etc... I mean for someone who likes to plan, organize and have control over every aspect of life, this is a pretty good setup!
The pitocin doesn't really alarm me because I know for sure that I want an epidural as soon as I can possibly have it anyway, so bring on the contractions (after I'm numb of course).
My doc did say that inducing with the first baby isn't ideal because my cervix may not dilate as well as if I went into labor on my own, which could increase my chance of needing a c section in the end. But, the alternative is to wait, let me go overdue and have a big baby and possibly run into birth trauma and need an emergent c section anyway. So, of the two, I'd rather take the risk of c section due to inability to dilate over the risk of c section due to baby getting stuck. No brain damage, thank you.
I'm measuring one week ahead of schedule, but my doc says that's not really anything to worry about since due dates are set with the idea of "give or take a week". And she said my sugars look really good and I'm keeping it under good control with diet and I've only gained 6lbs the whole pregnancy, so she doesn't think it's going to be a problem, but still doesn't want me going overdue just in case. And I'm a "play it safe" kind of person as well, so I'm in agreement with her 100%. I see too many birth trauma/ brain damaged babies to take that risk.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to have the knowledge that you won't go over but I hate to tell you that they won't give you the epidural until you're at least 3 cm so you'll have to endure several hours of pit. contractions. It'll be okay though. You'll be just fine!! :)
