Saturday, June 26, 2010

just be grateful

okay I had a good cry last night to just get out the emotions of the past week, which helped. I know this may be a little dramatic, but I figure I can blame it on pregnancy hormones. I'm entitled to some amount of emotional craziness, right? Plus, it's good for me to cry because once I finally cry about something, I realize how silly it is. I can look at myself and say: "what am I crying about?" My baby is healthy, the "rest" is working (less contractions) which is what we want to happen, she's in the perfect position and my body is slowly getting itself ready just like it should be. I mean, could there be a more perfect situation?
Everything is lining up correctly and I wasn't in any hurry before Tuesdays events, so why should I be now?
And I really want her in my room with me and want her to come home with me, and while that could still be possible if I had her now, it's guaranteed if she waits a little longer.
I didn't want her to come early before this week. It never even crossed my mind, but this weeks excitement and anticipation got my mind rolling in the wrong direction.
I'm grateful that my baby is healthy and she's getting those lungs mature for her big arrival.


  1. I think you are doing fine. This is HARD stuff! You are on a bit of a roller coaster ride. So, be kind to yourself. It is ok to have all these feelings. I wouldn't stuff them. Pregnancy can be hard on a planner. Things will probably not go according to any plans you have made, so pray for acceptance and living in the moment. Hang in there!

  2. Tiffany - I COMPLETELY understand what you are going through - it is very hard to not be excited when you go into labor, even when you know it is best for the baby to stay in for a little bit longer!! Enjoy your rest and know that she will come when she is ready and everything will turn out great in the end!! I know how anxiety producing it is to wait and not know when it will happen, especially after you already had it set in your mind once that it was possible for it to happen that night!! I love reading your updates and want you to know that you are not alone in feeling those emotions! I have been there :).
