Thursday, June 24, 2010

not going as planned

Yesterday morning I lost my mucous plug, (sorry for those of you who don't want that much info) was still contracting (although they were less regular, yet some more painful) and my blood sugars were crazy. My fasting blood sugar was high and my post breakfast sugar was really high although it's the same high protein, low carb breakfast I've been eating for weeks and I still had a trace amount of ketones in my urine. So, I called and left a message for my doc letting her know all of this info, but told her I really don't want to go back to the hospital just for them to give me more terbutaline if I can avoid it because that stuff made me feel like crap.
She called me back and was very UPSET that they had given me terbutaline to stop my labor. Apparently when a doctor sends you over to the hospital, they always send specific orders of why I'm coming and what they want done. THis is different than if I had just decided to go in on my own. If I had just walked in and it wasn't business hours, the on-call doc would make all decisions.
Well, my doc had written specific orders to give hydration and muscle relaxer only and do no other measures to stop labor. The day nurse gave me the muscle relaxer and my contractions just sped up ad got stronger, and in the mean time, shift change occured and I got a new night nurse, who I did not love.
She came into my room, commented on the fact that my contractions were getting closer and said she would be giving me the terbutaline. I stopped and questioned her saying "but my doctor had told me that she was not going to try to stop my labor because she doesn't do that after 35 weeks". And the bitchy nurse replied with a simple "well, we are". No explaination, no "let me check".... just an attitude of shut up and do what I say.
So, I reluctantly took the shot, although my gut was telling me not to. The nurse said that she had called the on call doc when my contractions got stronger on the monitor and this is what she wanted to do. She also said that my Doc was in the unit with another patient, but they didn't think it was necessary to bug her.
Well, my doc says they were supposed to stick to her own orders that were already written and not call the on call doc, and that they should have asked her if she was already in the unit.
So, I was supposed to continue to labor and possibly have had this baby.
Apparently terbutaline is not supposed to be given to someone with gestational diabetes because it can mess up blood sugar levels, and it did!
My doc said that the risks with terbutaline are higher than the risks of having a 35 weeker and that it would be a different story if I were 24 weeks.
So, needless to say, I'm extremely angry with that nurse for not listening to me or being thorough. That would also explain why she offered me juice and I had to tell her I couldn't have it because it would raise my sugar. If she had read my chart/orders she would have know that. Idiot.
My doc today checked me again and said that the babys head is VERY low and is bulging down, but my cervix is still posterior (facing my back) so it's very hard to check with her head being in the way. She said she would have had to push her head up out of the way to really get to my cervix fully, but she didn't want to do that because she doesn't want to stir things up and push me into further labor because although she isn't going to be aggressive at stopping labor, it's still a litttle early and she doesn't want to make me progress either. So, she is not SURE, but doesn't "think" I've changed much. She still "thinks" I'm 2.5cm and 80% effaced, but that's not a positive and accurate measurement obviously.
Doc said that she is very close and that she absolutely doesn't think I'll make it to my due date, and that I will not have any trouble delivering this baby vaginally, in fact she said that she thinks it will be quite the opposite. But, she would like to see her stay in until 37 weeks, so I have to be on "rest" until then. THis isn't bed rest, but I'm not allowed to work and she said she wants me to be a couch potato until then. I'm upset that have to use some of my paid time off, but it only comes out to 3 shifts because 37 weeks isn't even two weeks away, and the way my schedule fell, I wasn't working many days in that time frame anyway. So, it's not too bad I guess. Whatever is best for my baby. I would rather have her in my room with me when she gets here than down the hall in the NICU. My doc says it is too late for steroids, so we'd just be taking a chance on how developed her lungs would be. It's a coin toss at this point. Some 35 weekers are fine, some are not.
Today, now that the terbutaline is totally out of my system, my contractions have come back more regular about 8 minutes apart, but still don't hurt, just slightly annoying.
After 37 weeks, I can go back to work until my due date, but my doc doesn't think I'll be going back to work for long, if at all.

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