Tuesday, June 29, 2010


had my 36 week check up today. My fasting blood sugars have continued to be elevated, so my doc started me on some medication to help bring them down. My other blood sugars throughout the day have been well controlled with diet, but she said the fasting sugars are more of an indicator of what my body is doing on it's own since I can't control them with food. I just have too much insulin resistance.
My blood pressure was slightly elevated 144/78 but she said she wasn't too worried because only my top number was up, she assumed it was more environmental and not really hypertension and since I'm on "rest" up until my next appt anyway, she's not going to do anything different with that, I just have to let her know if I start getting crazy headaches or see stars.
The babys heart rate was really fast in the 180's when she listened to it, so we had to listen for a while to make sure it came back down. I'm pretty sure I was having a contraction when she first started to listen, so I think that's the reason, but after a couple of minutes her HR came back down to the 160's. My doc emphasized that I drink lots of water though because dehydration can cause her to have a fast HR.
My GBS (strep test) came back negative, so I won't need antibiotics during labor. For those who don't know, this is a bacteria that can sometimes normally live in the birth canal in some women and if the baby passes through it, they can get VERY critically ill. So, that's a relief.
My doc checked my cervix and still doesn't "think" I'm more dilated or effaced, but again didn't want to push the issue. But she did say that her head is EXTREMELY low, even more than last thursday and that my cervix is more anterior, which means it's moving into position for delivery which will make it easier to dilate more.
On that note, she said that because my cervix is so "favorable" we can induce at 39 weeks instead of 40 because she first of all doesn't think I'll even make it that far and second of all doesn't see any risk of increasing my chance for a c section by inducing a week early. She's so confident in my cervix that she doesn't even want me to go in for cervidil the night before. I'll just go in the morning of the induction to get pitocin. Hopefully I'll go on my own before then though.
My doc is out of town all next week, so I have to see a different doc (booo). So, according to murphys law, I'll probably go into labor next week because she won't be here :/

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