Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Good day

Today was my first ultrasound. I was beyond nervous this morning. I knew that this could go one of two ways and that this would either be a really good day or a really bad day. I was so worried about there not being a heartbeat, or the heartbeat being slow or the baby not measuring correctly. I was sick to my stomach, had butterflies, shaking etc...
BUT.... It is a GOOD day!!
With C, they couldn't see anything by abdominal US because it was small and my uterus was retroverted (tilted toward my back), so I had to have an internal US.
This time, we could see right away on my abdomen!! My pregnancy with C fixed my uterus and this baby and bubble were big enough to see. We saw the heart beating right away at 142 bpm and it measured 7w 1 day which makes my due date April 16th.
I'm soooooo relieved and happy that I think I may go ahead and announce this pregnancy to everyone :-)

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