Monday, August 15, 2011

Telling everyone

Right away when I got the positive, I ran out of the bathroom and yelled out to E "I'm pregnant". He was on the phone with his mom at the time and sort of paused and hesitated what he should say to her. I gave him the go ahead because I was so excited and so he told her over the phone. After they got off the phone I was a little bummed that we didn't get to announce to them as planned. They were coming over on saturday and I had already bought C a shirt a week before in hopes of a positive that said "I'm the big sister." I was going to dress her in it and see how long it took for them to notice. It was a little anticlimactic when they came over on saturday, but oh well, the excitement of the moment was just too much on thursday :-)
I immediately called my friend/ coworker JL to tell her directly. Then I texted my older sister, friend M and 7 other coworkers who knew I was waiting to test (CO, LB, BK, JW, JD, KH and CS). I decided not to announce to everyone on FB and at work this time because last time I had some scary progesterone numbers and spotting in the beginning and was horrified at the thought of telling everyone I miscarried RIGHT AFTER I had announced a pregnancy. I wanted to avoid random people asking me "how's the pregnancy" and me having to say "oh, I lost it". I only announced to people that I talk to about this kind of stuff all the time anyway and wouldn't mind talking about a miscarriage. In fact, I would probably WANT to talk about it to them.
I'm still trying to keep it a secret at work as long as I can in the first trimester, but it's hard at work when you have to ask people to assist with xrays because you can't. It becomes pretty obvious at that point. So far I haven't run into this problem. Hopefully I can avoid it for another 7 weeks. We'll see.
Back to that thursday night: my family had already arranged dinner out that night at jose peppers to celebrate my youngest sister getting a big job! I thought this would be the perfct time to announce to everyone at once but didn't want to steal my sisters thunder. So, we dressed C in normal clothes and went through the whole dinner without saying anything. We didn't put a bib on C on purpose so after she was really messy, we had to change her clothes into the "big sister" shirt. No one really noticed at first so my older sister who already know piped up and said "I like C's shirt!" Then everyone looked at her and said "are you pregnant?" Then there were cheers and clapping and hugs and it was great.
What is cool is that we went to jose peppers the night I found out with C as well. That time my mom had called the instant I found out, so she was told over the phone and my parents took us to dinner there that night to celebrate. That restaurant will always have a special place in my heart.
I think it's funny that with C my parents found out immediately over the phone and E's parents had the big planned eventful announcement, and this time it was the other way around. Cute. I think I'm feeling way to sentimental right now ;-)

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