Wednesday, August 17, 2011

such an overachiever :-)

My HCG needed to be 1806 yesterday in order to be doubling every 48 hours and my doc called this morning and it was 2820!!!!!!!! Sooooo relieved. My progesterone was 24, which is a perfect number. My first was too low at 12.2, and the second was crazy high at 56, but I think I know why.
When I ovulated back in June I had asked my doc for a prescription for progesterone that I could take until I found out if I was not pregnant and then I would stop taking them. I took those pills with me to california and they went through a suitcase and plane ride and sat in a sometimes hot and humid and other times cold cabin and then I quit taking them when it was negative and the leftovers have been sitting in my nightstand drawer for over a month.
I didn't take them right when I ovulated this time because I decided that was unnecessary and just decided to start them when I got a positive.
Well, I didn't want to let the old ones go to waste before buying a new $20 bottle. They weren't expired. I took one immediately when I got the positive and then we left to go out to dinner. By the end of dinner I felt so dizzy and lethargic like I had taken an ambien. I could hardly eat or walk. At the time, I didn't know what was going on.
The next night the same thing happened and I realized it was always about an hour after my progesterone pill. I read the bottle and it said "may cause drowsiness or dizziness". But this didn't happen with C??
Well, these leftover pills had become a little "squishy". They were soft and the outer shell was gooey and if you shook the bottle, they all stuck together and didn't rattle in the bottle. I think they had broken down at some point in all of the weather change during travel and when I would take them they were releasing all of the hormone at once in my body and it was like taking a sleeping pill! So when I had my first level drawn it was low I'm guessing because I had taken my pill the night before and because it released so fast, it had also gotten out of my system fast instead of having a slow continuous release.
Then because of the low level my doc told me to take it twice a day, night and morning. So, when I went to have my second level drawn, I had just taken the pill and my level was really high!
Friday I started a fresh non-squishy bottle of pills and they don't make me as sleepy or weird and my levels are more normalized. 24 is right where it should be :-)
I am beyond happy today. My first sono is scheduled for Aug 30 to see a heartbeat and confirm a due date. According to my July 25 ovulation day, my due date should be April 16, but I know that I ovulated between 5-7 pm because I had killer cramps, so I'm guessing the egg didn't get fertilized until sometime the next day which would make me due April 17. So, I'm guessing the 17th, which will make me 7 weeks exactly at my sono. Although, with the lower HCG levels compared to C's, I'm wondering if it was a very late implant and my due date might even be a couple days later? We shall see :-)
I'm so excited and elated!! I was crying and shaking with joy over this HCG level. THANK YOU GOD for this gift! I feel incredibly fortunate.

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