Tuesday, August 23, 2011

signs so far

I have very little pregnancy signs. I'm one of those people that could go many months without knowing I'm pregnant because I also normally go months and months without a period.
But, since I DO know, I pay extra close attention to any changes to catch my symptoms.
So far, the similarities to C's pregnancy are

fast growing thick black hair on my lower belly (grosss, I know, that's what razors are for)

odd tingling back pain below my right shoulder blade. It's some kind of nerve issue I think.
My friend JL gets the same thing when she's pregnant and she went to a chiropractor and he told her it has to do with gallbladder irritation that radiates to that area. Weird.

Hip pain ALREADY. It's only slight right now, but I think the relaxin hormone has already loosened everything up. My hip and pelvic pain was my biggest pregnancy complaint with C, but I don't remember feeling anything until about 22 weeks. This time I was 5 weeks. It's gonna be a long 8 months.

Mild constipation compared to my norm

THIRSTY for water all the time. I can't get enough

Blonde eyebrows. I know this one sounds really weird, but with C a few of my eyebrow hairs turned white, and it's happening again. I have no idea what this is about.

mild dull cramps/ tugging/ pulling feeling in my uterus

Differences I've noticed are

with C I was only nauseous first thing in the morning. This time it seems to hit in the evening and nothing ever sounds good for dinner. I feel fine in the mornings. It's VERY mild nausea just like C's was though. I am thankful for this

My boobs don't hurt AT ALL. With C, they were mildly tender. I remember hearing people talk about how killer painful they were and thinking that mine were just slightly sore with C and that always worried me, but this time I could punch them and not even flinch. I'm not so worried about it this time.

My face is breaking out. With C I remember thinking how great pregnancy was for my skin because I never broke out. This time, it's a zit farm on my chin.

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