Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I passed my glucose test last week! I was in complete shock. As soon as my doc told me I had glucose in my urine, I got myself ready to start the diet. I made a grocery list of high protein, low carb meals and snacks and was ready to go. I didn't even think it was possible for me to pass.
With Corynn I didn't take the test until the usual 28 weeks and failed at a whopping 178. With Brynn, I decided to take the test early to be safe at 11 weeks and I failed with a 184!!
I opted not to take it so early this time because I worried that the low sugar diet may have contributed to Brynn having very little whartons jelly and may have contributed to her cord accident. I decided it's not necessary so early on because we're not worried about excessive weight gain in the baby until later.
So when I took my test last week at 19 weeks with TWO placentas helping to contribute to the insulin resistance,  I just knew it would be bad.
But after drinking the glucola, I didn't feel horrible like I have in the past when I failed so I did wonder if maybe my number wouldn't be so bad.
I got the call the next day that my sugar was 138 and they like to see anything below 139, so technically I PASSED!!!!! My jaw hit the floor! I will probably have to repeat the test every four weeks until I fail but until then, I'm gonna enjoy not counting my carbs, eating whenever I want and NOT poking my finger four times a day :-)

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