Thursday, May 31, 2012

pain improving

Surprisingly, my pelvic pain is actually getting better, not worse. I'm not sure if the babies have just grown and shifted into a better position, if it's the chiropractor, sleeping in the recliner or working less hours at work or maybe the combination of everything. But I am feeling quite a bit better. I still have plenty of aches and pains, but nothing like it was between 18-20 weeks. I was in so much pain I wanted to cry. It literally felt like broken bones. Now it just feels like sore muscles like it did with Corynn. Before I was functioning at about 30% with a  pain score of 7 and now I'm functioning at about 60% with a pain score of 4. SOOOO much better.
I do notice that if I think I'm having a great day as far as pain goes, and I try to do too much, I will start to have bad pain again. So, I just try to relax as much as I can.

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