Thursday, May 31, 2012

sugar drama

So I just realized I never update the plan on my GD. I did go ahead and start the diet but I'm following it "loosely". For the most part I stick to it but if I have a time where I'm just so hungry that I'm shaky and there's not a lot of protein readily available, I don't count my carbs. I just eat whatever I need. No, this is not ice cream and cookies. But it may be a larger portion of pasta or a bigger sandwich or more fruit than they would like me to have or I might eat again before that two hour time frame that I'm supposed to wait. Sometimes I'm starving by 1 1/2 hours because the portions I'm allowed are so small. I have only had a few higher than 120 sugars, so I'm doing pretty well.
I think it is more dangerous at this point for me to spill ketones from being too hungry.
Once I get closer to 30 weeks, I will start following the diet strictly because I do not want these babies to get so big that I go into preterm labor or they can't fit for a vaginal birth or they have trouble eating or breathing. And having high sugars can lead to high BP which can lead to an early delivery. I don't want that either, so I'm trying to carefully balance keeping my sugars in check without getting too hungry and trying not to lose weight like I have in the past. So far I've gained 12 lbs.
Right now they are measuring right on their due date. They are not big at all and they have not begun to put on fat yet so I am not overly concerned with them getting big, I'm concerned with them getting the nutrition they need at this point.
My fasting sugars were consistently high in the 90's even though I would eat my protein before bed, so I started taking glyburide which has helped with those. Fastings are always my biggest problem and my OB said that has nothing to do with my eating habits. She said there's not much more you can do to control fastings other than take meds. She said it's just my genetic insulin resistance.

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