Friday, July 13, 2012

30 week ultrasound

We made it to the 30's!!! Feeling very good about this. Now I have two week goals from here out: 32 is better than 30 and 34 is better than 32 and 36 is better than 34 and after that I'm good to go.
I had an ultrasound on Wednesday that I thought was supposed to be a biophysical and growth check because the peri had said we needed to check out growth every two weeks due to the placenta and cord issues. When I got in there the US tech only had me down for a bio. For those who don't know, this looks at heart rate, amniotic fluid level, gross and fine movements and practice breathing that the baby should be doing. They give the baby a score and I'm not sure how the points are broken down but each baby has to get 8 out of 8 or further monitoring and intervention is needed if they don't. Last week at 29 weeks I had to ask the US tech to look at the placentas and cord flow and tell her why I was concerned about it. My OB had been on vacation the previous two weeks while I was in the hospital and had just gotten back that day so I just figured she hadn't seen my report yet and didn't order anything extra in the ultrasound.
So then I had my appt with her and discussed what the perinatologist had said and I thought we were on the same page as far as concern level goes because she talked about delivery at 34 weeks.
But then this week the US tech once again only had me down for a bio. I told her the peri wanted to look at growth every two weeks and the on call OB in the hospital said we would look at placentas and cords weekly.
Well this week the tech said normally they do growth monthly because two weeks won't show much change and that my doctor hadn't ordered to look at those things but she would do it just this one time for me.
I was very frustrated with this because I'm getting different messages from different doctors. I was looking at my appt schedule and after next week, I didn't have any US ordered until 34 weeks. Ummmm how are we supposed to decide if it's necessary to deliver at 34 weeks if we don't have any US to check on things up to that point?! I called the peri to see if I was supposed to follow up with her and the nurse said that no, they had just sent recommendations to my OB and that I would just continue to see her and that's who I should speak with.
So I called my OB and they got me scheduled for weekly bios but said once again that growth will only be checked monthly but that they would review the notes from the peri and see exactly what her recommendation was and may or may not change the orders based on the report. Ugh.  Then I asked about the placentas and cords and the nurse said "I thought that was part of a bio anyway". Well, I have no idea but it sure seemed like I had to really convince the techs to look at those things. I asked if she could please make sure of this and if not, make sure it is ordered for my remaining ultrasounds.
I don't know if I'm just overreacting or what, but I get the feeling my OB is not taking this issue as seriously as myself or the peri. The peri acted like it was definitely something to pay close attention to and I sure as hell want to check it out every week. Heck, I'd prefer to check on it every day if I could.
We'll see what happens next week and see how big of a fit I'll have to throw. Hopefully they'll get it together and just do what I'm asking.
But for this week their growth had greatly improved! Owen was 3lb 5oz/ 58th percentile and Eden was 3lb 3oz/ 54th percentile. Last week they were in the 44th and 40th percentiles so all this bed rest has given them a lot more energy to draw from and they grew like crazy!
Eden passed her bio right away but it took Owen awhile because he was not moving or doing practice breathing at all. The tech kept pushing on my belly trying to wake him up but he was not budging. It was starting to freak me out but then finally at the end and passed his test.
Owens placenta is looking very old and calcified but his cord flow was fine.
Edens placenta looked only slightly aged but her cord flow was mildly concerning. They measure the systolic to diastolic ratio and like to see it be less than three. The tech measured it three different times and got 3.1-3.7 but then came back at the end and was able to get two more readings of 2.8. She went to tell the OB (not mine) about it and after a minute she came back in and said that the doctor was ok with those numbers because she passed her bio, her growth is good and we did get a reading below 3 so the higher readings could have just been her position or activity level at the time.
I'm glad the doctor wasn't concerned but at the same time I'm freaking worried out of my mind and kind of wish someone with authority would be to. In a way I wish I could just be monitored continuously in the hospital until they're born. I'm so afraid I'm going to lose one or both of them because of lack of attention.
I've had thoughts cross my mind that it would be better to just deliver early and get them out here where we can have more control and for a second I thought about taking myself off bed rest and just allowing myself to go into labor. But I would feel horrible if something happened to them due to prematurity. My biggest concern at this gestation would be NEC (a life threatening intestinal infection) I just don't know what to think. My main motivation for staying on bed rest is for their cord flow and growth. I want to give them everything I have. My concern for preterm labor, although important is less of a factor in my mind. At this point if they're born early I will feel like it's because it was the best thing for them.
I feel so fortunate for every day that I wake up and still feel them moving. I feel like I'm just waiting for something horrible to happen and I keep wanting to control the situation in some way but the only thing I can really do is give the control to God and keep praying.
The other thing bed rest has done was amazingly allowed Owen to disengage his head from the birth canal. His head was no longer resting on my cervix which everyone thought was impossible because of how low he was but because I've been laying down and never standing, he was able to come back out. This is great because it means I probably am not anymore dilated and decreases my chance of preterm labor.
The bad side is that he is now breech again AND his sister decided to follow him and they are BOTH breech. Little turds. This is ok for now, but they better get their heads back down where they belong for delivery.

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