Monday, July 9, 2012

baby sprinkle and rest

Saturday was my baby sprinkle thrown by my younger sister Jannel. I was so excited to celebrate these lives. It really had nothing to do with getting gifts. The only thing I really needed was new cloth diapers and I got a TON so that's great, but what I really wanted was just to have family there to celebrate these miracles inside me. That morning I felt the babies moving and just thought to myself "we made it to the sprinkle". I was just so amazed and grateful that they were still alive at 29.3 weeks. When my sister and I decided on July 7 way back in like Feb or March I remember thinking "if we make it that far". And we did!  I'm so grateful to still be pregnant with TWO living babies!
Everything was done in blue and pink and was so picture perfect like a scene right out of pinterest!
I was so glad my doctor let me go. I sat the whole time and had people bring me my food, drink and gifts. It was great to get out of my house and my same old recliner I ALWAYS sit in. I decided to stay at my moms for several hours after the sprinkle was over just so I could talk to some people for awhile and have a change of scenery from my living room. It was really nice, but by the end of the night I was very uncomfortable and couldn't seem to get comfortable in any of their furniture so I was ready to get back to my recliner and was starting to get some contractions so I took a prn muscle relaxer as well.  Being up and moving even just a little bit kinda made me appreciate the bed rest status because I had kind of forgotten how much pain I was in trying to simply walk around. As bored as I get, I realize how wonderful the rest is and how much my body needs it. I'm very grateful to not be working right now. I need the time off WAY more right now than I will after the babies are born. I really only need about six weeks for full recovery after babies anyway and the rest of maternity leave is just fun time with my babies. I remember thinking after six weeks with Corynn that there really wasn't any reason I COULDN'T work, I just liked being home with my baby for a few more weeks.
Whereas right now I CAN'T work. Right now is when I really am "disabled" and NEED that short term disability check.
Another thing I noticed the day of the sprinkles was that the babies didn't move much. They moved enough to let me know everything was ok but they were small rare movements. They move WAY more when I'm home kicked back in my recliner. The day the perinatologist saw the problem with Eden's cord and placenta she said the best thing for it would be strict bed rest to keep my pressure down and allow them optimal flow and they can get all the energy they need because I'm not using it to move around and man,  I could really tell the difference on saturday! Sunday they were back to moving around like crazy.
I feel a greater need to be on strict bed rest for this reason than I do for the preterm labor. Not that I'm not worried about preterm labor, but I'm more worried about simply keeping them alive.

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