Tuesday, July 24, 2012

no news is good news

had my weekly ultrasound. These are so good for my mental health. They keep me satisfied for about 3-4 days and then I start getting antsy for another one.
Owens placenta is still looking very aged (grade 3) but so far is functioning great. Both passed their bios and cord flows looked great. Really nothing new to share.
Eden was head down but it doesn't really matter because Owen is still breech and he has to be head down to deliver vaginally because he's first. Bad boy.
My contractions had been feeling lower and more intense so I asked my doctor to check my cervix and I'm still at 2cm. My contractions are only like maybe two an hour while on the procardia so this is keeping me from dilating further.
32 weeks tomorrow and I'm ready to be done. I'm ready to have them here and stop worrying about them.
My sugars have been getting hard to control again. Two placentas is killing me! I already eat less carbs than I'm allowed and my sugars are still high, so my doc increased my dose of glyburide again.
That's about all. Pretty low key appointment.

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