Thursday, July 26, 2012

out of control

my blood sugars have been much harder to manage this pregnancy compared to when I was pregnant with Corynn. With her, I had no trouble controlling them with diet and I could even occasionally take a little extra bite of something yummy and it wouldn't really affect my sugar. I only took 2.5 mg of glyburide at night with her because my fasting sugars would occasionally be over 90, but that's it.
This time having two placentas is making it impossible to control. I take 7.5mg glyburide at morning AND night. I have been so strict and eating even less carbs than they say I can have just to try and keep my blood sugar down below 120 (two hours after meals) but my sugars are STILL high.
For example: I have to have a snack with protein and up to 20g of carbs right before bed to hold my sugar stable through the night so that I don't get low and in response my liver would release glucose stores thinking I'm starving which would make my fasting sugar high. Lately my fastings have been high so the other night I had two hard boiled eggs and a glass of milk for my snack and my fasting was 102 the next morning!! With Corynn I would only have a high morning sugar like that if I tried to cheat and have 1/2 cup of ice cream with pb for my bedtime snack.
This is insane! So then I had a sausage biscuit from mcdonalds for breakfast. This has always been one of my favorite diabetes friendly things to eat. It's yummy, has plenty of filling protein and only 34g of carbs (I'm allowed 45 in a meal). Well two hours after eating that my sugar was a whopping 152!! So I skipped my morning snack to try and get it back down and for lunch I only had a half turkey sandwich with ONE slice of bread (18g carbs) because a few days ago my full turkey sandwich (36g) gave me a sugar of 121 which isn't horrible but the fact that it was even over the line was so stupid! So after my no snack and half lunch, my sugar finally came down to 97 and then I was STARVING and inhaled a hamburger like a starved orphan.
I called my OB yesterday to tell her that I don't know what to do anymore. I'm already cutting out carbs that I'm supposed to be eating and I'm really hungry all the time yet my sugars are still high.
The other night I had green beans and cooked tofu for dinner. NO CARBS. Well, I think tofu has like 6grams, but it's basically no carbs and I didn't even check two hours later bc I figured it would be fine. I did however check it four hours after because I was going to have my bedtime snack and it was 116! This would be a great number for the two hour mark but FOUR HOURS??!! Makes me wonder what it actually was at the two hour mark.
So my OB called back and said she is not comfortable increasing my medication dose anymore without perinatal approval. She is sending me for a consult with them because we're really out of options. She doesn't want me to restrict my carbs anymore because I need to be eating SOME carbs for energy or I'll start producing ketones which is not good for the babies.
I am very frustrated because I feel like no matter how hard I'm trying, I'm harming my babies. Diabetes is a well known cause of a prematurely aging placenta like Owen has. I feel like it's my fault yet there's nothing else I can do. I hope the perinatologist has some insight.

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