Tuesday, July 3, 2012

aging placentas

had an ultrasound and OB appointment today. Both placentas now appear to be aging/ calcifying, actually Owen's looks more aged than Eden's BUT both of their cord flows looked normal today!! That made me very happy. They both were doing a lot of practice breathing and moving.
Based on the way my placentas looked, my doctor is thinking that we will deliver them at 34 weeks. While I don't want them to have any NICU time, I know they will need a short stay if born at 34 weeks and I'm ok with that if it's what's safest and the alternative is death from non- functioning placentas! I think especially knowing ahead of time that that's what's going to happen, I can prepare myself for not having them in my room with me and giving up on that idea.
Good news is that both babies are now head down so hopefully they stay that way and I won't need a csection!!
My doctor checked me again and was blown away by how much pressure Owen was putting on my cervix and how far down his head was. She said "I'm pretty sure you're still 2cm, but I'm not gonna do a thorough check because he's so low, I'm afraid I'm going to stir something up". She emphasized that I need to stay off my feet and be on strict bed rest as much as possible but did give me permission for the baby sprinkle on saturday :-)

1 comment:

  1. I am glad things are staying the same dilation wise. I hope you continue to stay at 2cm. Thinking of you and your little ones.
