Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas hope

My doctor had wanted me to wait three months before getting pregnant again. She said that if it happened on it's own after one month, that was ok but that she would prefer I wait three before I intervened with provera to force a period. She told me it would probably take that long anyway for my body to wake up and try to ovulate, have a period etc.... Which I figured she was probably right since my ovaries can never function normally anyway, I'm sure they were really confused now!
The last day I had true bleeding from Brynn was Saturday Nov 26 and the last day I had a little bit of spotting was Monday Nov 28. On Nov 30 I had really bad pulling cramps for a couple hours in the evening. I had no idea what it was and was a little worried about it. I was sure I was going to start bleeding again and was really annoyed at this thought. But eventually the cramps went away and I never did bleed. I brushed it off and moved on.
Then this past Wednesday morning Dec 14 I started bleeding after over two weeks of no bleeding, but it was clear to me that it was a new period, not old miscarriage bleeding. A period? I would have to ovulate first to have a period and I didn't know I had ovulated. How did I miss that? I can always tell when I ovulate. Always. I can tell four days before it happens based on fluid changes and I've used this for birth control, fertility and to predict when I will have a period since my cycles are so irregular. I have never been wrong.
I looked back at my calendar and exactly two weeks ago Wednesday was when I had the bad cramps and it occurred to me that those were ovulation cramps! I do always get a strong pulling aching feeling for about two hours at the exact time that I ovulate. My ovulation cramps are stronger than any menstrual cramps I've ever had.
But I didn't realize that's what it was because it didn't seem possible to me to ovulate so soon on my own after I had JUST finished bleeding. It never crossed my mind as a possibility at the time.
At first I was like "dang, I missed an ovulation opportunity", but I think it's a good thing. I'm kinda glad I didn't know about it because I don't think it would've been a good one and I would've been disappointed if it didn't result in pregnancy or I think it may have ended in an early miscarriage. I say this because it was so soon after bleeding that I worry I wouldn't have had much endometrium built up to support the baby and I don't think it would've been a mature egg because I didn't have the usual early signs of ovulation, so I think it was a sudden egg release.
Normally our bodies have very low estrogen at the beginning of a cycle and it slowly rises over 14 days and as it starts to get high enough, fluid changes take place for fertility and FSH hormone is released to mature an egg and get it ready to release. Once the estrogen peaks, LH is released and tells the egg to GO.
Because of the lack of "signs" I had and how quick it happened, I would guess that I had a rapid and sudden rise in estrogen that released LH without having the chance for FSH to ready the egg. I think it would've been a dud.
BUT this is a wonderful thing because it means my body is getting back in gear and means that I can start the process of hoping and trying for another baby! A month earlier than planned! Thank you GOD!
My original plan was to start provera January 11 to force a period January 18 to start Femara January 20 in order to possibly ovulate around January 31. Exactly three months after Brynn's birth.
But no need for Provera because I was blessed with having a period on my own!! Which means I started taking Femara TODAY!!! It is prescribed to take days 3-7 of a cycle during your period. It is amazing timing because I had just refilled my old prescription for Femara on Sunday Dec 11 even though it was a month before I needed it. But for some reason I just wanted to have it ready to go. I also had just gotten my new prescription for metformin on Tuesday and started taking it that night. And then I woke up to a bright red christmas gift on wednesday morning :-)
I have never been so happy to have a period. It feels like a fresh start. A glimmer of hope.

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