Friday, December 30, 2011

Two week wait

It's a miracle! After taking the femara, I ovulated yesterday. Cycle day 16!!! I have never ever ovulated before day 30 even with fertility meds. It was pretty weird/cool what happened. I didn't really have my usual obvious signs that ovulation was coming. I had started to possibly suspect that it may be but it wasn't obvious and I wasn't 100% sure. I usually have like 4-5 days warning, so on Tuesday and Wednesday I started to think that it MAY happen by Sunday at the earliest, but still wasn't positive. Well yesterday at work I started getting some mild pulling cramps from the left side like I usually do during ovulation. I thought there was no way it could be so soon and without the usual signs so I said a silent little prayer to God "if I am ovulating, please make it apparent to me without question" and about 10 seconds later BOOM I started getting horrible ovulation cramps that continued for hours. Thanks to God, I was SURE!
This is the second ovulation since Brynn that has been different and a bit of a surprise. I'm not sure what changed or why it is different. Last month I thought it must've been a sudden release and wasn't a "good" ovulation, but it's weird that it would happen again WITH femara which is supposed to make stronger ovulations. But I'll take it.
This is amazing. I have so much hope that I will be pregnant again. So, now starts the two week wait before I can test to know if I'm pregnant. I can't believe I'm here again. Dear God, please let it happen!!! Everyone who reads this, please say a prayer for us.
January 9 is the earliest possible test day. Let the long countdown begin....

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