Saturday, December 3, 2011

such a waste

from the thursday evening August 4th when I saw those two perfect pink lines on that pee stick, I immediately started altering everything I did, every decision I made for this baby.
August 6th we had already arranged for a sitter for Corynn so Erik and I could go to oceans of fun together for my birthday. Every year we go to the dinner theater for Erik's birthday in January and we had thought of something summery that we could do every year for my birthday. But after I had found out I was newly pregnant, we decided not to go. The chlorine, the sunscreen, the jarring activity of water slides etc... too dangerous for the baby.
I always take a benadryl/ unisom/ tylenol pm before bed if I have to work the next morning because the anxiety of wondering what I'm going to be facing at work the next day causes me not to sleep well. But I had quit taking these even before I found out I was pregnant. As soon as there was even a possibility I could get pregnant, I stopped. These are supposed to be safe in pregnancy, but I try to avoid any medication in the first trimester. So I just had restless sleep instead.
Same with Tylenol. Supposed to be safe, but I stayed away from it until 10 weeks despite constant headaches I get when I'm pregnant.
No caffeine.
No diet soda. I love diet coke, but I'm just not sure about the effects of the artificial sweetener. I avoided artificial sweeteners of any kind.
And then at 11 weeks, I got gestational diabetes, so then I avoided sweets altogether. I poked my finger four times a day, counted my carbs, ate very tasteless meals, could not indulge in pregnancy cravings and ate high protein meals first thing in the morning despite morning sickness.
I had many blood draws to check HCG and progesterone levels, glucose tests and genetic screenings.
I took progesterone supplements twice a day that made me sick to my stomach.
I had four early ultrasounds to check on the baby. All costing big $$$
And then I had a delivery in the hospital, costing me $3000, and all of it, every single one of these sacrifices were all for nothing. Seems like such a waste.

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