Friday, April 20, 2012

bad pain

My aches and pains have increased drastically this week (18 wks). I feel like I'm closer to about 28-30 weeks. My belly is huge and everything hurts!! Bad! I feel like such a whiner and feel like I get weird looks from people when I tell them how much pain I'm in because I'm still so early. Most of the time it's my pubic area that hurts. It feels like pinched nerves that radiates pain to my groin and inner thigh muscles. It is so bad that it hurts to move my legs at all and one of the most painful movements is trying to use one foot to push on the heel of the other foot to take my shoe off. Getting up and down off the floor is also horrible in this department. It's almost like a charlie horse in my crotch.
If I walk or stand for more than about 20 minutes at a time this pain gets so intense that I start to waddle and have to make very small slow movements to avoid severe pain.
The other day at work I had to stand and walk most of my 12 hour shift and my whole pelvis just ached so bad. My lower back, my hips, my groin. Oh I was hurting so bad by the end of the shift!
And then there's my sciatics. Last night my right sciatic hurt so bad that I could NOT lay down. I tried every position and had pillows propped in every way imaginable but nothing worked. It would zing and make my whole leg jump. There was no sleeping because I had to sit up to make the pain go away. At 1 am I called in sick to work because I still had not fallen asleep and didn't know if I would ever be able to. By 3am I finally fell asleep sitting up with 8 pillows propped behind my back and head. By 5am the uncomfortable position woke me again and the sciatic pain had finally gone away and I was able to lay down flat for a couple hours before Corynn woke up. I'm exhausted today.
My boss called and recommended that I apply for intermittent FMLA to protect my job so that if I have to call in anymore due to the pregnancy, it will not count against me. It was very nice of her to tell me this bc I didn't even know this was an option.
I really don't think I'll be able to work all the way to the end because this pain is just horrible and all I want to do is lay in a reclined position on the couch. I think I may need to invest in a recliner. I wonder if I can rent one during the pregnancy?
I'm so lucky in the first trimester, I never get sickness or fatigue. But man, once the babies start growing in my pelvis, my body just falls apart. I really feel for old people whose joints and muscles just hurt all the time.

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