Wednesday, April 25, 2012

from bad to worse (first L&D trip)

OH THE PAIN! So after I wrote the post on friday about my sciatic pain, it came back again friday night and I could NOT lay down. So, I once again could not sleep. Around midnight I dozed off sitting up and at 1am I woke with a startle. Something scared the crap out of me. THen I felt like I had to go to the bathroom really bad ( not pee ) so I hopped up and nothing happened. I laid back down and had a lot of really tight braxton hicks and kept getting lower back pain and pressure and the urge to go to the bathroom again plus I would get waves of nausea and I was shaking uncontrollably. After about 10 minutes of this I decided this wasn't normal and decided to go to L&D to make sure it wasn't early preterm labor. I called my mom who came to get me so Erik could stay home with Corynn. Once I got there the nurses were sure it was a UTI, but nope, that was negative. The monitor did not show any contractions, but I remember that when I had Brynn at 16 weeks, the monitors could never pick up a single contraction the whole time I was in labor with her. They're just not as strong at this early gestation, so they're hard to detect. My cervix was not checked because if there are no contractions and you're early, they don't like to irritate things further. After about an hour they gave me a muscle relaxer and everything relaxed so they sent me home. The thought is just that a lack of sleep and pain were the cause. I got home around 3am and finally fell asleep.
All day saturday I didn't move. I sat on the couch and Erik did everything. We were both hoping that if I didn't overdo it during the day, then my sciatic pain would not come back at night. Wrong. About 8pm, it started to flare up again. His mom brought us a recliner to borrow so that I could try sleeping in that. It did help. I have to sit up straight in it with just the legs kicked out. I can't lay the head back at all so I have to have a rolled up towel around my neck to keep my head from bobbing. It was restless sleep, but at least it was sleep. At  3am the pain was once again gone so I was able to actually lay back. It's like 8pm-3am every night. I don't know why. So even though sleep was not great, I decided to go in to work on Sunday. BAD IDEA. I had one of the busiest craziest days I've had in a long time. I did not sit down and did not leave until 8:30. I was in so much pain I thought I was going to die. I almost cried a few times. Some of my coworkers were sympathetic and helpful but others kind of had the attitude that since they never had pain while pregnant, well then, I must be complaining just to complain. I didn't get the vibe that everyone totally understood. To most it just sounds whiny when I say I'm only 19 weeks and can hardly walk.
Sunday night the sciatic pain was bad because of work but because I was so exhausted I did sleep fairly well in my chair. Monday night was the same thing again. I'm thinking this is just going to be the new routine... horrible pubic and pelvic pain during the day esp when walking and bad sciatic pain at night that prevents me from laying down. But miraculously last night I didn't have the sciatic pain. YAY! Lets hope this keeps happening.
After all of my weekend events, my OB wrote an order yesterday for me to work less. I can only work two 8 hr shifts each week. Because the pain leads to no sleep which then leads to contractions, she did not want me on my feet so much at work which is fine by me! She said that if I was pregnant with one, she wouldn't be as concerned, but with twins we have to be careful. At this point I don't even care if I use all my time and have no maternity leave. I need it more right now. The important thing is getting them to term!
I'm going to see a chiropractor this week and really hope that helps!

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