Monday, April 9, 2012


So at the end the 14 wk scan at the Peri I had asked the tech to just look between the legs so that we could see if we thought they looked the same or different but told her I know that it was too early for her to feel comfortable guessing, so she didn't have to say anything, but just let us look. So that's what she did she said "here's B between the legs" and "here's A between the legs". We immediately thought A was a boy even thought it was early but didn't get a great shot of B. The tech got an image of the baby's back with the legs open instead of looking up from underneath the butt, so we had no idea on this one except Erik thought he had seen and we kinda thought it was a girl but really had NO confidence in this so I was really hoping to get a better look at my next 15 wk US. I was rather annoyed that the tech didn't get the correct image for gender ID. I bet she thinks I just don't know what the right angle is and that I would be satisfied with that. What is it with techs not playing nice?
So then I had my 15 wk US at my doc and got the US tech that I think is a bitch. I knew she would be difficult so when I got in, I didn't ask to see the genders, I said "we want to look at genders today" she said "ok but it may be a bit early" and I said "oh that's ok you don't have to guess, I just want to see so that I can guess". She seemed annoyed with this and was immediately like "oh well I don't think they're going to show us much with the positions they're in". We were able again to see baby A and guessed he was a boy but baby B had it's legs close together. The tech put NO effort into trying to get a good look but then for a second we were pretty sure we got a good look and me and my mom cried out "that's a girl" and at that moment the tech took the wand off my belly and said "well I didn't see any boy parts but the legs were kinda close together". COME ON! If she would have stayed on the image for just a bit longer we could've been 100% confident but NO, god forbid you make a mom happy, I mean it's the ONE fun thing we have to take our minds off of all the worry in pregnancy. Being a NICU nurse and having lost a baby, I worry enough for everyone and I KNOW it's not the most important thing but why can't they just let us have fun and enjoy that one bit of non- important fun info? I swear there are so many US techs like that and it pisses me off. AND she didn't print any pictures of either of the gender shots so I had nothing to verify. I was so mad. I was supposed to have a 30 minute US and she only spent 10 minutes and was not nice about it. I complained to my OB and I hope she yells at her :-)
SO, because of her, I ended up going to the elective ultrasound where I could pay someone to actually spend time on the genders. I was a nervous wreck but really wanted to find out before Easter so I decided I would go as long as I heard two heartbeats on my doppler that morning. My mom didn't want to go because she just didn't think she could go back to that place but she ended up deciding to go at the last minute as long as we did things differently. Last time she met us there but this time she wanted to ride with us and we didn't want to park in the same area or go in the same door of the building.
Once we got into the room with the same guy who told me Brynn had no heartbeat, I started to get pretty nervous. My mom wouldn't sit down until we saw them both moving. Once I saw both babies wiggling it was a huge sigh of relief! It ended up being such a fun ultrasound and we got some really cute and fun images. I'm glad we went! Baby A is a BOY and baby B is a GIRL!!! I feel so happy to be getting one of each. I was so excited I went right out and bought some matching blue and pink sleepers and hats. It's going to be so fun.
On saturday we announced to my family using easter eggs. Most were filled with yellow purple and green mm's but one had all blue and one had all pink. We opened one at a time until the answers were revealed. It was very exciting!
Then on Sunday we did the traditional cutting of the blue and pink cakes for Eriks family.

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