Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Healthy babies and cervix

I had my level two anatomy scan on Monday. I was a little bit nervous for it because if something were to be wrong, this would be the day we'd find out. I was very focused on every detail. The level two is so much more involved. I really don't know why everyone doesn't get one because it can find a lot more defects than a traditional anatomy US. The tech was very good and explained every thing she was looking at. The look at the lenses of the eyes and look up the nose and the aortic arch and EVERYTHING. She did Owen first and everything looked great, and then the nerves had to start all over again for Eden, but praise the lord, she also looked perfect.
They both had great fluid levels and weighed around 9oz with Eden being slightly smaller in grams weight which is PERFECT. We want them to both be gaining at about the same speed but it's required for baby B to be just a little smaller if I want to deliver vaginally.
Owen is down low and Eden is up high in my stomach which would explain the weird waves of mild nausea I've been having. Owen has an anterior placenta but Edens is posterior which does make me worry a bit more about cord accidents. But both cords were three vessel and coiled and had great blood flow.
Also my cervix was actually longer than my last measurement. At 15 weeks it was 3.3 but according to the perinatologist my OB's office didn't measure it the most accurate way possible. They had done and abdominal US with a full bladder which they said can throw off the angle and shorten the cervix. The peri did an internal US with an empty bladder and it was 6.2 and when they pushed on my funds, it did funnel in a bit and brought it down to 5.4 but is still long enough that it's not a concern unless I were to have a lot of contractions that would cause funneling.
I'm just so very happy and feel so so fortunate to have two healthy babies growing in there.

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